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Weasle's Wreck Room |
Welcome To The Weasel's Wreck Room!
Alow me to introduce you!
* Smart @$$ (AKA Smart Guy or Smarty) (voiced by David Lander) - The leader of the weasels, very sarcastic (easy to see why he was named Smart @$$!) and ranked a sergeant by Judge Doom. He has brown fur and wears a light pink double breasted zoot suit coat with a gold chain in the left pocket, a matching light pink zoot hat and pink band and spats on his feet. His weapon of choice is a revolver, though he is also seen threatening Eddie Valiant with a switchblade at the bar. Smart @$$ is the straight-man of the group, possessing the most self control and the least "toonish" attitude, although he also enjoys a good laugh like his fellow weasels. He is the third weasel to die, being kicked in the groin by Eddie Valiant after disagreeing with a song lyric and sent flying into the dip mixer on the Dip Machine.
* Greasy (voiced by Charles Fleischer) - The alleged runner-up for leader, and the most eager to fight of the weasels. Greasy has long greasy black hair and dark brown fur. He wears a green zoot suit styled trench coat along with spectator shoes, green Zoot pants hiked up all the way to his chest partially obscuring a pink tie and a tall green zoot hat, appropriately resembling a zoot suit gangster from the L.A. Zoot Suit Riots of the 1940s. Greasy wields a switchblade as his weapon of choice, although he is also seen holding a pistol while investigating Eddie's office. He is of Latin-American descent and speaks with a Mexican accent. Despite the fact that he mostly speaks English, he is only heard cursing in Spanish after he springs a bear trap in the top of Jessica Rabbit's dress and when Roger shoots through a storm drain into the Acme Factory, propelling him and Roger up towards the ceiling. He is the second-to-last weasel to die when he loses control of his laughter and throws himself out of the cab of the Dip Machine.
* Psycho (voiced by Charles Fleischer) - The most insane and mentally unstable of the group of weasels. He has a shrilling laugh and high-pitched voice. Psycho wears an unbuckled "Canadian Long Jacket" straitjacket. His muzzle is unnaturally white, suggesting that he has a pale complexion. He has blue eyes with yellow and white swirls characterizing his psychoticness. His fur is unkempt by the hairline, giving it a spiky appearance. His weapon of choice is a barbershop straight razor. He is the last weasel to die as a result of laughing to the point of losing his footing and dying while falling into the giant rotating brush of the Dip Machine. Although he was dead, he still proved a threat as his rising soul turned the already activated Dip Cannon back towards Roger and Jessica.
* Wheezy (voiced by June Foray)- The smoking weasel. Wheezy is the only weasel with blue fur, a slight deviation from his brown-furred compatriots. He is dressed in a wrinkled dress shirt, black vest, grey bowler cap littered with cigarettes, loose black tie, and has long, nicotine stained fingernails. The cigarettes in his hat suggest that he is a chain-smoker. However, he is not the only smoker in the group, as Smart @$$ can be seen puffing on a cigar during the first on-screen appearance of the group inside the Acme Factory. With his weapon of choice being a Tommy Gun, he is the seediest member of the gang, bearing resemblance to the typical mobster. He is the second weasel to die by a combination of laughter and too much smoking, the latter made evident by the voluminous amounts of smoke he coughs up. He also was reluctant to give up his soul as he is seen struggling to pull it back into his body even as it wanted to fly off.
* Stupid (voiced by Fred Newman)- The dumbest of all the weasels. He wears a horizontally striped blue and white t-shirt, a red beanie with a propeller on top, and white tennis shoes that are constantly untied. He has a pigeon-toed stance, and his weapon of choice is a baseball bat with a nail through the top. Stupid is also the strongest of the weasels, and is used mainly for heavy lifting and hard labor. He is also overweight, while the other weasels are slim. Even though he possesses below-average intelligence, that does not mean he is incapable of speaking as he manages without effort one on-screen line. He is the first weasel to die as a result of losing control over his laughter.
* Slimy & Flasher (No voicework completed) - Two weasels that were eliminated from the final cut of the film, due to producers consenting to the idea that they would not be suitable for younger movie-goers. Slimy was a weasel who puked slime and carried a blackjack as a weapon. Flasher was a weasel who wore a dirty trenchcoat implying his namesake, but did not carry a visible weapon. Both conceptual arts can be viewed on the second disk of the 15th anniversary DVD edition of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Weird pic of da weasles!

Smarty(left) Toon Patrol Car (center) Psycho(right) and random people (background)!

Stupid (left) and Psycho (right)

Smarty (left) and Eddy V.(right)
notice Smarty spins the knife before opening it. He must have practiced batond!

Greasy (one of my favorite pictures of him)!

My top two favorites
Smarty (left) Eddy V. (middle) Greasy (right)
Check it out over at the page title AWARDS too!!

All of the weasles from Who Framed Roger Rabbit!( In strange poses. Don't worry they are WAY cooler in the movie!)
If you want to meet them in person then hop on up to Toon Town

In California and go to


They have a FAST PASS line too!
And a gift store!
I'll be adding WAVS, games, coloring pages, video's, and much much more so check often!
On June 22, 2008 we will be celebrating the weasels 20th anniversery of weaseling their way around!
The Weasels have been in other things too. Like they were guest stars on the Disney tv show Talespin! Their family has been in movies too! Like their cousins from their moms side were in the book The Wind and the Willows and in Ichabod&Mr.Toad also they are in Mr.Toad's Wild Ride!
Psst do you see the orange circle? In it are Mickey,Minnie,Goofy,and Donald!

Their cousins from their dad's side were in Mickey's the Prince and the Pauper!

Ok I'm gonna let the weasels take over here!
- Smarty -Greasy -Stupid -Pycho -Wheasy -Ruby
Ok ya wise guys. Here's some stuff ya can have! For a reasonable price.
But Boss Ruby said we ain't suposed to sell the stuff.
Iye carrumba! ¡Usted estúpido intimida!
¡Podemos vender lo que queremos vender!
hee hee hee!
Aah! Shut up yous guys. We don't have ta listen ta Ruby.
Is everything ok in here?
Fine boss just fine!
Ok then *walks away*
Just take a look around ya mugs!

Greasy ( He's in a weird position so I would rate it a 1 star also his pants arn't stipped)

Stupid (A really good pin even if it is stupid!)

Smart @$$ ( A pretty good pin if I do say so myself!)

Wheesy on a No Smoking sign! (ha ha sarcasm you know I love it!)

Stupid saying " At least I'm not Stupid!!!" (Can you smell the irony from over there?)

Regular Roger Rabbit pin but very cute!
(It's true! Toons are my life!)

Wheesy (Not that good of a pin because it's colors do not match Wheezy's also the one shown isn't in good condition. It isn't mine.)


Smart @$$ saying "I'd like to see you weasel your way out of this one!"

In the red circle is Smart @$$ (my fav!), in the blue is Psycho, The purple (even if you can't see him!) Is Greasy, in the green is stupid ,and in the yellow is Wheezy (sorry Dime you can't see him either!)!
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