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Hercules' Hang Out!


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The Movie Script!
{Greek statues and vases fade in}

Long ago, in the faraway land of ancient Greece, there was a golden age of powerful
gods and extraordinary heroes. And the greatest and strongest of all these heroes was
the mighty Hercules.
[a Greek vase is shown with a picture of Hercules fighting some monster.
Vase zooms in slowly]
But what is the measure of a true hero? Ah, that is what our story is-

Thalia: Will you listen to him? He's makin' the story sound like some Greek tragedy.

Terpsichore: Lighten up, dude.

Calliope: We'll take it from here, darling.

Narrator: You go, girls

Calliope: We are the Muses. Goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes.

Terpsichore: Heroes like Hercules!

Thalia: Honey, you mean "hunk-ules". Ooh, I'd like to make some sweet
music with him-
[Muses start humming]

Calliope: Our story actually begins long before Hercules, many eons ago..

[scene changes colors and the Muses start walking and singing]

Back when the world was new,
The planet Earth was down on its luck.
And everywhere gigantic brutes
called Titans ran amok!
It was a nasty place!
There was a mess wherever you stepped.
Where chaos reigned and earthquakes
and volcanoes never slept!

And then along came Zeus-
He hurled his thunderbolt-
He zapped!
Locked those suckers in a vault!
They're trapped!
And on his own stopped chaos in its tracks.
And that's the gospel truth!

The guy was too type A to just relax.
And that's the world's first dish.
Zeus tamed the globe while still in his youth.
Though, honey, it may seem imposs'ble-
That's the gospel truth!
On mount Olympus life was neat
and smooth as sweet vermouth.
Though, honey, it may seem imposs'ble-
That's the gospel truth!

{schematic picture of Olympus zooms in and turns into a real one.
While the Muses still repeat their "ah's and yeah's", camera moves
up the mountain slope, while it does, the movie title, HERCULES,
is shown. Then camera goes inside, passes various chattering gods
and finds baby Hercules}

Hera: Hercules! Behave yourself

[Zeus come in to play with baby too]

Zeus: Oh, look at this, look how cute he is..
[Zeus babbles at baby Hercules and he catches Zeus by index finger
and lifts above his cradle]
Hah! Oh, he's strong! Like his Dad, hmm?

Hermes (moving through a crowd of gods):
Whoa! Excuse me! Hot stuff coming through! Excuse me one side, Ares.
[Hermes hands Hera a bundle of glowing flowers]

Hera: Why, Hermes, they're lovely

Hermes: Yeah, you know, I had Orpheus do the arrangement. Isn't that
too nutty?
(flying closer to Zeus now)
Fabulous party, you know, I haven't seen this much
love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself!
[Narcissus is shown, staring into his mirror and making kissing sounds.
Also Baby Hercules gets one of Zeus' lightning bolts and plays with it]

Hera: Dear, keep those away from the baby.

Zeus: Oh, he won't hurt himself. Let the kid have a little fun!

[Baby Hercules tries to eat the lightning, gets zapped, and throws it
away in frustration. Three gods jump away from its path, until
Athena hits it with her sword so it hits a pillar, which immediately reappears]

Zeus: Oh, on behalf of my son, I want to thank you all for your wonderful gifts

Hera: What about our gift, dear?

Zeus: Well, let's see here.. we'll take, hmm, yes, a little cirrus, and, hmm,
a touch of nimbostratus, and a dash of cumulus.

[Zeus moves his hand with a little Pegasus-shaped cloud on it closer
to baby Hercules and the cloud turns out to be a baby Pegasus]

His name is Pegasus, and he's all yours, son.

[Baby Hercules bonks his forehead against Baby Pegasus',
he whinnies and licks Hercules, they hug, all gods sigh]

Hera: Mind his head

Zeus: He's so tiny
[Baby Hercules tries to bite the medallion that hangs from
his neck and then yawns]
My boy. My little Hercules.

Hades: How sentimental.
[camera moves to Hades fast after his voice is heard]
You know, I haven't been this choked up since I
got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat! Huh?
[All gods look sternly at him]
So is this an audience or a mosaic? Hey, how you doin'?
Looking' good. Nice dress.
[as he is saying that, he moves from one god to another
until Zeus squeezes him in a hug]

Zeus: So Hades, you finally made it. How are things in the underworld?

Hades (taking Zeus' hand off his shoulder):
Well, they're just fine, you know, a little dark, a little gloomy, and
as always, hey, full of dead people. What are you gonna do? Ah!
There's the little sunspot, little smootchie. And here is a sucker
for the little sucker, eh?
(he weaves a sucker with skeleton head out of thin mist)
Here you go. Ya just--
[Hercules squeezes Hades' finger, and after some fight he
 gets away from the baby]
Sheesh! uh, powerful little tyke.

Zeus (hugging Hades once again):
Come on, Hades, don't be such a stiff, join the celebration!

Hades (getting free from the hug again):
Hey, love to, babe, but unlike you gods lounging about up here,
I regrettably have a full-time gig that you, by the way,
so charitably bestowed on me, Zeus, So...can't. Love to, but can't.

Zeus: You ought to slow down, you'll work yourself to death...
Hah! work yourself to death!
[crowd laughing]
Oh, I kill myself

Hades: If only, if only..

{Scene changes back to the Muses}

Calliope: If there's one god who don't want to get steamed up, it's Hades,

Terpsichore: 'cause he had an evil plan

{scene changes to a boat on the river Styx, in which a
skeleton is carrying Hades}

Thalia:  (singing)
He ran the Underworld,
But thought the dead were dull and uncouth.
He was as mean as ruthless-
And that's the gospel truth.
He had a plan to shake things up-
And that's the gospel truth!

Hades: Pain!

Pain: Coming, your most lugubriousness.
[He trips, roll on the stair and gets seated on a sharp trident]

Hades: Panic!

Panic: Oh, I'm sorry, I can handle it!

[He runs, but trips over Pain, who just got free from the trident, falls
over, and his horns get stuck in Pain the same place trident just was]

Pain: Pain!

Panic: And Panic!

Both: Reporting for duty!

Hades: Fine, fine, fine, just let me know the instant the Fates arrive.

Panic (who just got his horns free from Pain):
Oh! They're here!

Hades (bursts into flames):
What? The Fates are here and you didn't tell me?

Pain and Panic: We are worms! Worthless worms!
[they change into worms]

Hades: Memo to me, memo to me, main you after my meeting

{scene change to a cavern with the Fates}

Atropos: Darling, hold that mortal's thread of life good and tight
[She cuts a thread with scissors and a woman scream is heard]

Lachesis: Incoming!

[Fates laugh as a soul enters the cave and flies into a tunnel.
Counter above the tunnel now says "Over 5000000001 served"]

Hades: Ladies! hah! I am so sorry that I'm—

Atropos: Late

Clotho: We knew you would be

Lachesis: We know everything
[they pass their only eye from one another as they speak the next three lines]

Clotho: Past

Lachesis: Present

Atropos: And future (to Panic):
Indoor plumbing - it's gonna be big

Hades: Great. Great. Anyway, see, Ladies, I was at this party, and I lost track of—

Fates: We know!

Hades: Yeah. I know.. you know. So, here's the deal. Zeus, Mr.
High and Mighty, Mr. "Hey, you, get off my cloud," now he has—

Fates: A bouncing baby brat.

Clotho: We know!

Hades: I know.. you know. I know. I got it. I got the concept, so let me just ask:
Is this kid gonna mess up my hostile takeover big, or what? What do you think?

Lachesis: Um—

Clotho silences her: Oh no, you don't. We are not supposed to reveal the future.

Hades: Oh wait, I'm sorry. Time out. Can I? Can I ask you a question, by the way?
Are you,
(to Lachesis),
did you cut your hair of something? You look fabulous.
{Lachesis giggles}
I mean, you look like a fate worse then death
{Lachesis giggles more, Clotho hits her on the head, the eye fells out into
the hands of Panic}

Panic: Oh, gross!

Pain: Yech! It's blinking'!
[he kicks it into Hades' hand]

Hades: Ladies, please, my fate...
(he puts the eye to Lachesis' hand)
is in your lovely hands

Lachesis: Oh, yeah

Clotho: All right.
[the eye raises in the air, showing pictures of the future]

Atropos: In 18 years precisely The planets will align ever so nicely

Hades: Ay, verse!. Oy.

Atropos: The time to act will be at hand Unleash the Titans, your monstrous band

Hades: Mm-hmm, good, good.

Atropos: Then the once-proud Zeus will finally fall, And you, Hades, will rule all!

Hades: Yes! Hades rules!!!

Atropos: A word of caution to this tale

Hades: Excuse me?

Atropos: Should Hercules fight, you will fail
[Fates disappear, cackling]

Hades (burning into flame):
(cooling down)
Okay, fine, fine, I'm cool, I'm fine
[bell dings]
Pain? Panic? Got a little riddle for ya. How do you kill a god?

Pain: I do not... know!

Panic: You can't. They're immortal?

Hades: Bingo! They're immortal
(he takes a vial with red liquid and camera zooms at it, filling the screen)
So, first you got to turn the little sunspot mortal.

{Mount Olympus, dusk. Baby Hercules and Baby Pegasus are
sleeping together.  Shadows of Pain and Panic crawl over Baby
Hercules, sound of glass breaking, and Pain and Panic tittering makes
Zeus and Hera wake}

Zeus: Huh?

Hera: What? what is it?

Both: The Baby!
[They run to the cradle but find only the Baby Pegasus]

Hera: Hercules! Oh!
[she starts sobbing.]

Zeus: No!!!

[as he screams that, lightning flashes and a giant thunderstorm rages over
Olympus.  Pain and Panic are flying down, carrying Baby Hercules]

Panic: Now we did it! Zeus is gonna use us for target practice!

Pain: Just hang onto the kid, Panic.
[They fall and Baby Hercules starts crying]

Panic: Hurry! Let's just kill the kid and get it over with, okay?

Pain (opening the vial):
Here you go, kid, a little Grecian formula

Panic: Look at that! He's.. changing
[Baby Hercules stops glowing as he drinks the potion]
Can we do it now?

Pain: No, no, no, he has to drink the whole potion! Every last drop.

Amphitryon: Who's there?

[Pain and Panic run away, dropping the empty vial.
It breaks and one last drop falls into the ground]

Alcmene, over here.

Alcmene: Oh, you poor thing! Oh, don't cry

Amphitryon: Is anybody there?
[Pain and Panic look from bushes]

Panic: Now?

Pain: Now.
[Their shadows are shown as they walk and transform into snakes]

Alcmene: Oh well, he must have been abandoned.  For so
many years we've prayed to the gods to bless us with a child.
[Amphitryon reads Hercules' name from a medallion on his neck]
Perhaps they've answered our prayers

Amphitryon: Perhaps they have... Hercules?

[Pain and Panic, as snakes, attack, but Baby Hercules catches them,
and giggling happily, hits them several
times against the ground, ties into a knot and throws far away. Amphitryon
and Alcmene stare with they jaws

Pain and Panic: Help, help, help!
[they turn to their normal forms]

Panic: Hades is gonna kill us when he finds out what happened.

Pain: You mean, *if* he finds out!

Panic: Of course he's gonna f-- If.. if is good.

{pan to Mount Olympus in dark clouds and then resolve to the Muses}

Calliope: It was tragic. Zeus led all the gods on a frantic search

Terpsichore: But by the time they found the baby, it was too late.

Young Herc was mortal now,
But since he did not drink the last drop
He still retained his godlike strength-
So thank his lucky star!
But Zeus and Hera wept
Because their son could never come home.
They'd have to watch their precious baby
Grow up from afar.
Though Hades' horrid
Was hatched before Herc cut his first tooth,
The boy grew stronger ev'ry day
And that's the gospel truth!

{Resolve to country with sheep eating.  A carriage with
a lot of hay moves along the road unnaturally fast, then
we see Amphitryon and his horse sitting before it]

Amphitryon: Hercules, slow down!

[We now see its young Hercules who is moving the carriage.  They
enter a country fair, hitting some workers on the top of the gate]

Amphitryon: Look out!
[workers fall]

Young Hercules: Oops! S-s-sorry guys!

Worker (falling down):
Hey, watch where you're going'!

Worker 2: Sunday driver!

[Hercules enters the middle of the square and stops,
burying himself into the ground shoulders-deep]

Amphitryon: Thanks, son. When old Penelope twisted
her ankle back there, I thought we were done for.

Hercules: No problem, Pop.

Amphitryon: Uh, don't-don't-don't unload just yet. First I have to
finagle with Phineas.

Hercules: Okay.
[he drops the hay on the cart which makes their horse, Penelope,
fly up into the sky]

Oops, sorry, Penelope.

Amphitryon: Now, Hercules, this time, please just—

Hercules: I know, I know
[he catches falling Penelope]
Stay by the cart

Amphitryon: That's my boy.
[Hercules stays until he sees a man losing balance with a big clay pot]

Man: Oh, my goodness. Whoa!
[Hercules catches him just in time]

Hercules: Careful!

Man: Why thank you

Hercules: No problem

Man (sees Hercules and looks frightened):
Why, Hercules! It's you!

Hercules: Let me, let me help you with that

Man: No, no, no, no, no, I got it.
[He almost falls under the giant pot]
I'm fine, you just run along.

Hercules: Are you sure?

Man: Oh, yes. Absolutely.

[He leaves Hercules outside in the street. A discus falls to
his feet. He picks it up and sees three boys about his age]

Boy 1: Yo! Give it here!

Hercules: Hey, you need an extra guy?

Boy 1: Uh.. sorry, Herc. We already got.. five. And we want to keep
it an even number.

Hercules: Hey, wait a second. Five isn't an even—

Boy 1: (snatching the discus):
See ya, Herc.

Boy 2: What a geek!

Boy 3: Destructo boy.

Boy 1: Maybe we should call him "Jerkules"
[Hercules sits alone in the center of a square until the discus appears
above his head]

Boy 1: Heads up!

Hercules: I-I got it!

Boy 1: No! Stop!
[Hercules hits a pillar, which starts falling]

Hercules: Uh-oh.. Oh no!.. It's okay..

[He holds the pillar he has hit, but others start falling one by one, l
ike domino. He sees that and throws the pillar he was
holding away, but it hits another standing pillar and another
domino wave starts going around the square]

Hey! Whoa!

Amphitryon: Son!

Hercules: Hang on, Pop! Be right back!
[The two domino waves seem to be aiming at the shop with clay pots]

Man: Oh my! Oh no! Don't! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

[The last two pillars stop above the man's head. He sighs, relaxed,
but Hercules, who was running to save him, slips and slides to him

Hercules: Watch out!
[Now everything is destroyed]

Boy 1: Nice catch, Jerkules.

Amphitryon: Son

Man: This is the last straw, Amphitryon!

Voice: That boy is a menace!

Voice 2: He's too dangerous to be around normal people!

Amphitryon: He didn't mean any harm, he's just a kid. He-he just
can't control his strength

Man: I am warning you. You keep that-that-that.. freak away from here!

Boy: Freak! Yeah, go away!

{on a grassy hillside, Hercules and Amphitryon sit alone}

Amphitryon: Son, you shouldn't let those things they said back there
get to you.

Hercules: But Pop, they're right. I-I am a freak. I try to fit in, I really do.
 I just can't. Sometimes, I feel like, like I really don't belong here.
Like I'm supposed to be.. someplace else.

Amphitryon: Hercules, son—

Hercules: I know it doesn't make any sense.
[Hercules walk away and sings]

I have often dreamed of a far off place
Where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying' this is where I'm meant to be I
will find my way I can go the distance
I'll be there someday
If I can be strong
I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong.

[he returns home]

Amphitryon: Hercules, there's something your mother and I
have been meaning to tell ya.

{inside the house}

Hercules: But if you found me, then where did I come from?
Why was I left here?

Alcmene: This was around your neck when we found you.
It's the symbol of the gods.

Hercules: This is it! Don't you see? Maybe they have the answers! I'll
go to the temple of Zeus and--
Ma, Pop, you're the greatest parents anyone could have, but.. I-I gotta know

{Next morning, Hercules walks to the Temple and sings}

I am on my way
I can go the distance
I don't care how far
Somehow I'll be strong
I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most everywhere to find where I belong.

[Hercules enters the Temple of Zeus]

Hercules: Oh mighty Zeus, please, hear me and answer my
prayer.  I need to know: Who am I?  Wh-where do I belong?
[wind blows, lightning hits the statue of Zeus, flame ignites in braziers..]
[..and the statue of Zeus comes to life]

Zeus: My boy. My little Hercules.
[He reaches for Hercules, who runs away, screaming]
Hey, hey, hey, hold on kiddo! What's your hurry? After
all these years is this a kind of hello to give your father?

Hercules: Father?

Zeus: Didn't know you had a famous father, did you? Surprise!! Look how you've
grown. Why you've got your mother's beautiful eyes... and my strong chin. Hah!

Hercules: I-I don't understand. If you are my father, that would make me a—

Zeus: A god.

Hercules: A god. A god!

Zeus: Hey, you wanted answers, and by thunder, you're old enough to know the truth

Hercules: But why did you leave me on earth? Didn't you want me?

Zeus: Of course we did. Your mother and I loved you with all our hearts but someone
stole you from us and turned you mortal, and only gods can live on Mount Olympus.

Hercules: And you can't do a thing?

Zeus: I can't, Hercules, but you can.

Hercules: R-really? W-what? I-I'll do anything.

Zeus: Hercules, if you can prove yourself a true hero on Earth, your
godhood will be restored!

Hercules: A true hero. Great! Uh, exactly how do you become a true hero?

Zeus: First, you must seek out Philoctetes, the trainer of heroes.

Hercules: Seek out Philoctetes. Right. I'll--[he falls off Zeus' palm] Whoa!

Zeus: Whoa! Hold your horses! Which reminds me..
[Zeus whistles and the Pegasus flies through an opening in the roof]
Ha-ha! You probably don't remember Pegasus but you two go way back, son
[Pegasus sniffs Hercules, then bonks foreheads with him and licks him]

Hercules: Oh, Pegasus!

Zeus: He is a magnificent horse. With the brain of a bird.

Hercules: I'll find Philoctetes and become a true hero!

Zeus: That's the spirit!

Hercules: I won't let you down, father! Yee-haw!

Zeus: Good luck, son.[
Hercules flies away, singing]:

I will beat the odds
I can go the distance
I will face the world
Fearless, proud and strong
I will please the gods
I can go the distance
Till I find my hero's welcome right where I belong

{Isle of Philoctetes}

Hercules: You sure this is the right place?

[Hercules sees three nymphs laughing in the trees,
then sees a goat's behind sticking from the bushes]

What's the matter, little guy? You stuck?

Phil: Whoa! Hey, butt out, buddy!

Hercules: Ugh

Phil: Girls! Stop! Stop! Come back, come back, come back. Whoa, whoa--
[the nymph he gets hold on turns into flowers]
oh, geez! Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[another nymph turns into a tree]
Oh, nymphs! They can't keep their hands off me.

Nymph: Hey!

Phil (to Hercules):
What's the matter? You never seen a satyr before?

Hercules: Uh.. no. Can you help us? We're looking for someone called Philoctetes.

Phil: Call me Phil.

Hercules (squeezes his hand): Phil!

Phil: Ow!

Hercules: Boy, am I glad to meet you! I'm Hercules. This is Pegasus.
[Pegasus licks Phil]

Phil: Animals!. Disgusting!

Hercules: I need your help. I want to become a hero. A true hero.

Phil: Sorry, kid, can't help ya.

Hercules: Wait!
[he pulls the door, Phil closed before him and raises it in the air with one hand]

Phil: Whoa!

Hercules: Uh, sorry. Why not?

Phil: Two words: I am retired.
[Hercules counts on fingers]

Hercules: Look, I gotta do this. Haven't you ever had
a dream, something you wanted so bad you'd do anything?

Phil (sighs): Kid, come inside, I want to show you something.

[Inside, Hercules hits his head against some wooden mast]

Phil: Watch it! That was part of the mast of the Argo.

Hercules: The Argo?

Phil: Yeah. Who do you think taught Jason how to sail? Cleopatra? I
trained all those would-be heroes. Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus. A lot
of "yeuseus." And every single one of those bums let me down, Flatter
then a discus. None of them could go the distance. And then there was
Achilles. Now there was a guy who had it all - the build, the foot speed.
He could jab, he could take a hit, he could keep on coming'. But that
furshlugginer heel of his! He barely gets nicked there once and - kaboom!  
He's history. Yeah, I had a dream once. I dreamed I was gonna train the
greatest hero there ever was. So great the gods would hang a picture
of him in the stars... All across the sky, and people would say, "That's
Phil's boy." That's right. Eh, but dreams are for rookies. A guy can
only take so much disappointment.

Hercules: But I am different than those other guys,
Phil! I can go the distance Come on, I'll show you.

Phil grunts: Geez, you don't give up, do ya?

Hercules: Watch this.
[He raises something big which looked like an UFO and sends it flying away]

Phil: Holy Hera.. You know maybe if I-- No! Snap
out of it! I am too old to get mixed up in this stuff again.

Hercules: But if I don't become a true hero, I'll never be able
to rejoin my father, Zeus.

Phil: Hold it! Zeus is your father, right?

Hercules: Uh-huh.

Phil laughs: Zeus! The big guy. He's your daddy! Mr.
Lightning Bolts, read me a book, will ya.. dada? Zeus!
(mimics Zeus)
Once upon a time—

Hercules: It's the truth!

Phil: Please!
So you wanna be a hero, kid, well, whoop-de-do
I have been around the block before
with blockheads just like you
Each and every one was disappointment
Pain for which there
ain't no ointment
So much for excuses
Though a kid of Zeus is
Asking me to jump into the fray
My answer is two words
[lightning hits Phil]

Hercules: You mean you'll do it?

Phil: You win.

Hercules: You won't be sorry, Phil.

Phil: Oh, gods.

Hercules: So when do we start? Can we start now?

Phil: Oy, vay.

Phil (sings):
I'd given up hope that someone would come along
A fella who'd ring the bell for once not the gong
The kind who wins trophies
Won't settle for low fees
At least semi-pro fees
But no, I get the greenhorn!

I've been out to pasture, pal, my ambition gone
Content to spend lazy days and to graze my lawn
But you need an advisor
A satyr, but wiser
A good merchandiser and-- whoa!
There goes my ulcer!

I'm down to one last hope and I hope it's you
Though, kid, you're not exactly a dream come true
I trained enough turkeys
Who never came through
You're my only last hope
So you'll have to do

Phil: Rule #6: When rescuing a damsel,
always handle with care
[Hercules falls into water]

Phil: Rule #95, kid: Concentrate! Rule #96: Aim!

Demigods have faced the odds and ended up a mockery
Don't believe in the stories that you read on all the crockery
To be a true hero, kid, is a dying art
Like painting a masterpiece it's a work of heart
It takes more then sinew
Comes down to what's in you
You have to continue To grow!

[Hercules is an adult now]

Phil: Now that's more like it!

I'm down to one last shot and my last high note
Before that blasted underworld gets my goat
My dreams are on you, kid
Go make 'em come true Climb that uphill slope
Keep pushing that envelope
You're my one last hope
And, kids, it's up to you Yeah!
Hercules: Did you see that? Next stop, Olympus.

Phil: All right, just take it easy, champ.

Hercules: I am ready, I want to get off this island. I want to see
battles and monsters! Rescue some damsels.. You know, heroic stuff.

Phil: Well—

Hercules: Aw, come on, Phil!

Phil: Well, okay, okay. You want a road test? Saddle up, kid.
We're going to Thebes!

Hercules: Yahoo!
[now flying on Pegasus]
So, what's in Thebes?

Phil: A lot of problems. It's a big tough town, good place
to start building a rep.
[they hear a woman screaming]
Sounds like your basic D.I.D. - Damsel In Distress.

Hercules: Hyah!
[They land and see Megara chased by a monster centaur]

Nessus: Not so fast, sweetheart

Megara: I swear, Nessus. Put me down or I'll—

Nessus: Woo! I like 'em fiery!
[in the bushes Hercules gets angry, while Phil instructs..]

Phil: Now remember, kid. First, analyze the situation.  
Don't just barrel in there without thinking. Eh?
[Hercules already walks to Nessus and Megara]
He's losin' points for this!

Megara: You don't know what you're—

Hercules: Halt!

Nessus: Step aside, two legs.

Hercules: Pardon me, my good, uh, uh..... sir. I'll have to ask
you to release that young...

Megara: Keep movin', junior

Hercules: ...lady. But you-- are-aren't you a damsel in distress?

Megara: I am a damsel, I am in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.

Hercules: Uh-- *ahem* Ma'am, I'm afraid you may be too close
to the situation to realize--
[he takes his sword out and Nessus immediately hits him so he flies away]

Phil: Ohhh! What are you doin'? Get your sword!

Hercules (searching in water):
Sword. Right, right.. Rule #15: A hero is only as good as his weapon!

[he picks up a fish and directs it at Nessus. Nessus laugh and Megara looks
bored. Nessus then hits Hercules with a fist and Hercules flies away again]

Phil {groans and tells to Pegasus who rushes to help}:
Whoa! Hold it! Hold on! He's gotta do it on his
own. Come on, kid! Concentrate! Use your head!

Hercules: Oh...
[He runs and hits Nessus with his head. Nessus flies away]

Phil: All right! Not bad, kid. Not exactly what I had in mind, but not bad.
[Megara gets up from water and coughs]

Hercules: Oh, gee, Miss, I'm I'm really sorry.

Megara: Oh.

Hercules: That was dumb

Megara: Yeah.
[Nessus runs in again]

Hercules: Excuse me.
[He attacks Nessus, hits his head several times and throws him]

Phil: Nice work! Excellenté!

Megara: Is wonder boy here for real?

Phil: What are you talking about? Of course he's real..
(notices Megara)
Whoa! And by the way, sweet cheeks, I am real too.
[Phil gets on Megara's lap, but she pushes him into water]

Megara: Ugh
[meanwhile, Hercules ride on Nessus]

Hercules: Yee-hah! Yahoo!
[He finishes Nessus in a spectacular fight]
How was that, Phil?

Phil: Rein it in, rookie. You can get away with mistakes
like those in the minor decathlons, but this is the big leagues!

Hercules sighs: At least I beat him. Didn't I?

Phil: Next time don't let your guard down because of a pair of big goo-goo
eyes! D-oh! It's like I keep tellin' ya. You gotta stay focused, and you--
[Hercules walks up to Megara]

Hercules: Are you, uh, all right, Miss, uh—

Megara: Megara. My friends call me Meg. At least they would if I had any
friends. So, did they give you a name along with all those rippling pectorals?

Hercules: Uh, I'm, um, uh—

Megara: Are you always that articulate?
[she turns to leave]

Hercules: Hercules. my-- *ahem* My name is Hercules.

Megara: Hercules, huh? I think I prefer wonder boy.

Hercules: So, uh, how-how-how'd you get mixed up with the, uh—

Megara: Pinhead with hooves? Well, you know how men are.
They think that "no" means "yes" and "get lost" means
"take me, I'm yours". Don't worry, Shorty here can explain
it to ya later.

[Phil growls]
Well, thanks for everything, Herc. It's been a real slice.

Hercules: Wait! Um.. can we give you a ride?
[Pegasus snorts, whinnies, and jumps to a high branch]

Megara: Uh, I don't think your Pinto likes me very much

Hercules: Pegasus? Oh, no, don't be silly. He'd be more than happy to-- Ow!
[Pegasus drops an apple on Hercules' head]

Megara: I'll be all right. I'm a big, tough girl. I tie my
own sandals and everything. Bye-bye Wonder boy.

Hercules: Bye... She's something, isn't she, Phil?

Phil: Yeah, oh yeah, she's really something. A real pain in the
patella! Earth to Herc! Come in Herc!  Come in Herc! We got
a job to do, remember? Thebes is still waitin'.

Hercules: Yeah. Yeah. I know.
[Megara walks into the forest and comes upon a rabbit and a small gopher]

Megara: Aw.. how cute. A couple of rodents looking for a theme park.

Pain (as a bunny):
Who you callin' a rodent, sister? I'm a bunny!

Panic (as a gopher):
A-and I'm his gopher.

Together: Ta-dah!
[they turn into themselves]

Megara sighs: I thought I smelled a rat.

Hades: Meg.

Megara: Speak of the devil.

Hades: Meg, my little flower, my little bird, my little nut, Meg. What
exactly happened here? I thought you were gonna persuade the river
guardian to join my team for the uprising, and here I am, kind of river

Megara: I gave it my best shot, but he made me an offer I had to refuse.

Hades: Fine. So, instead of subtracting two years from your
sentence, hey, I'm gonna add two on, okay? Give that your best shot.

Megara: It wasn't my fault. It was that wonder boy, Hercules.

Panic: Hercules? Why does that name ring a bell?

Pain: I don't know. Um, maybe we owe him money?

Hades: What was that name again?

Megara: Hercules. He comes on with this big, innocent farm
boy routine but I could see through that in a Peloponnesian minute.

Pain: Wait a minute. Wasn't Hercules the name of that kid we were supposed to—

Pain and Panic: Oh my gods!

Panic: Run for it!

Hades: So you took care of him, huh? Dead as a door nail. Weren't
those your exact words?

Pain: This might be a different Hercules.

Panic: Yeah! I mean, Hercules is a very popular name nowadays!

Pain: Remember, like, a few years ago every other boy
was named Jason and the girls were all named Brittany?

Hades: I'm about to rearrange the Cosmos and the one
schlemiel who can louse it up is waltzing around in the woods!
[Hades explodes]

Pain: Wait. Wait, big guy. We can still cut in on his waltzing.

Panic: That's right! And-and-and at least we made him mortal, that's
a good thing. Didn't we?

Hades: Hmm.. Fortunately for the three of you we still have time to
correct this rather egregious oversight. And this time, no foul-ups.

{Meanwhile, Hercules and Phil are flying on Pegasus}

Hercules: Wow! Is that all one town?

Phil: One town. A million troubles. The one and only Thebes. The
big olive itself. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.
[they enter the crowd]
Stick with me, kid. This city is a dangerous place.
[they almost get hit by a passing carriage]

Driver: Look where you're goin' numbskull!

Phil: Hey, I'm walking' here! You see what I mean? I'm tellin' you - whackos.

Man: Pita bread, pita bread, get your pita bread here!

Smuggler: Hey, Mack.
[he opens his coat at Phil and Hercules]

Phil: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Smuggler: You wanna buy a sundial?

Phil: He's not interested, all right? Come on, kid.

Man: The end is coming! Can't you feel it?

Phil: Yes, yes. Thank you for the info. Yes. We'll ponder that for a while.
(to Hercules)
Just stare at the sidewalk. Come on. Don't make eye contact. People
here are nuts. That's because they live in a city of turmoil. Trust me,
kid, you're gonna be just what the doctor ordered.

Woman: It was tragic! We lost everything in the fire

Man: Everything except old Snowball here.
[Snowball (a now black, and electrically shocked) cat meows]

Strong man: Now, were the fires before or after the earthquake?

Thin woman: They were after the earthquake, I remember

Heavy woman: But before the flood.

Old man: Don't even get me started on the crime rate

Heavy woman: Thebes has certainly gone downfall in a hurry.

Old man: Tell me about it. It seems like every time I turn
around there's some new monster wreaking havoc and I—

Man: All we need now is a plague or locusts.
[Frog jumps in and scares everybody]

Old man: That's it! I'm movin' to Sparta!

Hercules: Excuse me. It uh *ahem* seems to me that what you
folks need is a hero.

Strong man: Yeah, and who are you?

Hercules: I'm Hercules, and, uh, I happen to be... a hero.
[crowd laughs]

Old man: Is that so?

Woman: A hero!

Old man: Have you ever saved a town before?

Hercules: Uh, no, uh, not exactly, but I—

Strong man: Have you ever reversed a natural disaster?

Hercules: Well, uh... no.

Strong man: Oh, listen to this. He's just another chariot chaser. This we need.

Woman: That's a laugh.

Phil: Don't you pea brains get it?

Woman: Hmm?

Phil: This kid is a genuine article.

Man: Hey, isn't that the goat-man who trained Achilles?

Phil (Getting angry) Watch it pal!

Strong man: Yeah, you're right. Hey, nice job on those heels! Ya' missed a spot!

Phil: I got your heel right here!
(Hits the man and starts beating him)
I'll wipe that stupid grin off your face! You--

Hercules: Hey Phil! Phil! Phil! Take it easy, Phil.

Strong man: What are you, crazy?  Sheesh

Heavy woman: Young man, we need a professional hero. Not an amateur.

Hercules: Well, wait. Stop!
(Sighs) How am I supposed to prove myself a hero if nobody will give me a chance?

Phil: You'll get your chance, you just need some kind of catastrophe or disaster.

[Megara appears in the crowd]

Megara: Please! Help! Please! There's been a terrible accident!

Hercules: Meg?

Phil: Speaking of disasters.

Megara: Wonderboy! Hercules! Thank goodness!

Hercules: Wha-what's wrong?

Megara: Outside of town, two little boys, they were playing in the gorge.
There was that rock slide, a terrible rock slide. They're trapped!

Hercules: Kids? Trapped? Phil, this is great!

Megara: You are really choked up about this, aren't ya?

Hercules (Dragging Meg): Come on!

Megara: No, I-- You don't under-- I have this terrible fear of heights!

Phil (running):  I'm right behind ya, kid! Woo!
(panting): I am way behind ya, kid.
(sputtering): I got a fur wedgie

[Hercules and Megara land and Hercules dismounts from Pegasus]

Hercules: Are you okay?

Megara: I'll be fine. Just get me down before I ruin the upholstery

Pain (as boy): Help! I can't breathe!

Panic (as boy): Hurry!

Pain (as boy): Get us out!

Panic (as boy): We're suffocating! Somebody call IX-I-I

Hercules: Easy fellas, you'll be all right

Pain (as boy): We can't last much longer!


(as boy): Get us out before we get crushed!

[Hercules raises a huge boulder. Kids run out from under it and the
crowd applauses lightly]

Hercules: How you boys doin'?

Panic (as boy): We're okay now

Pain (as boy): Jeepers, mister, you are really strong!

Hercules (still holding the stone): Well, try to be a little more careful
next time, okay, kids?

Pain (as boy): We sure will!
(they run away, up the slope and face Hades)

Hades: A stirring performance, boys. I was really moved.

Panic: "Jeepers, Mister" ?

Pain: I was going for innocence.

Hades: And, hey, two thumbs way, way up for our leading lady.
(looking at Megara): What a dish.  What a doll.

Megara (quietly): Get outta there, you big lug, while you still can.

Hercules: Phil, I did great. They even applauded.. sort of.

[Growling sound begins]

Phil: Huh! I hate to burst your bubble, kid, but that ain't applause.

[Hydra appears]

Hercules: Ph-ph-ph-Phil? What do you call that thing?

Phil: Two words! Am-scray!!

Hades: Let's get ready to rumble!

[Hydra and Hercules start fighting]

Phil: That's it. Dance around! Dance around! Watch the teeth.
Watch the teeth Keep going. Come on. Come on. Lead with
your left. Lead with your left! Your other left!!

[Finally Hercules cuts the head of Hydra off. Crowd cheers]

Phil: All right! All right! You are bad! Okay!

Hercules: See, Phil? That-- That wasn't so hard
(He drops sword and falls flat on the ground)

Phil: Kid, kid, kid, how many horns do ya see?

Hercules: Six?

Phil: Eh, close enough. Let's get you cleaned up.

[Above on the Hades' watching place Panic shivers and gulps]

Hades: Guys, guys, relax. It's only halftime.

[Below, Hercules and Phil hear rumbling from Hydra's body]

Phil: That doesn't sound good

[Hydra gets three new heads]

Phil: Definitely not good!

[Hercules on Pegasus fights with Hydra and keeps
slicing her heads off, getting more and more new ones]

Phil: Will you forget that head-slicing thing?

[Hercules gets knocked off Pegasus and falls among heads and necks of Hydra]

Hercules: Phil, I don't think we covered this one in basic training!

[Hercules escapes, but falls back from the cliff and
is now pressed against the wall by Hydra's paw]

Hades: My favorite part of the game: sudden death.

[Hercules crushes the rock on Hydra and gets buried under rocks himself too]

Phil: Oh! There goes another one. Just like Achilles.

Hades: Game. Set. Match.

[Hercules appears from Hydra's dead paw. Crowd cheers real loud now]

Hercules: Phil, you gotta admit, that was pretty heroic.

Phil: Ya did it, kid! Ya did it! You won by a landslide!

Megara: Well. What do ya know?

{Cut to Muses}

Calliope: From that day forward, our boy Hercules could do no wrong
(spoken): He was so hot, steam looked cool Oh, yeah!

*Begin Song*

Calliope: Bless my soul,
Herc was on a roll

Thalia: Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll

Terpsichore: What a pro!

Calliope: Herc could stop a show
Point him at a monster and you're talkin' S.R.O.

All: He was a no one
A zero, a zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero!
He was a kid with his act down pat
Zero to hero in no time flat
Zero to hero
Just like that
When he smiled the girls went wild
With oohs and aahs

Thalia: And they slapped his face on every vase

Clio: On every "Vahse"!

All: From appearance fees and royalties
Our Herc had cash to burn
Now nouveau riche and famous
He could tell you what's a Grecian urn
Say amen
There he goes again
Sweet and undefeated
And an awesome ten for ten
Folks lined up just to watch him flex

Thalia: And this perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs

All: Hercie, he comes, he sees, he conquers
Honey, the crowds were goin' bonkers
He showed the moxie brains and spunk -- yeah!
From zero to hero
A major hunk
Zero to hero
And who'd have thunk...

Who put the glad in gladiator?
Who's darin' deeds are great theater?
Is he bold?
No one braver!
Is he sweet?
Our favorite flavor!
Hercules (My man)!
Hercules! (Look at my)

Bless my soul,
Herc was on a roll
Riding high
And the nicest guy
Not conceited
He was a nothing, zero, zero
Now he's a honcho, he's our hero!
He hit the heights at breakneck speed
From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
Now he's a hero

Calliope: Yes, indeed.

{Hades practices shooting at targets}

Hades: Pull!

Megara: Nice shooting, Rex.

Hades: I can't believe this guy. I throw everything I've got
at him. And it doesn't even--
(sees Pain wearing Hercules -trademark- sandals)
What are those?

Pain: Um.. I don't know. I thought they looked kinda dashing.

Hades: I've got 24 hours to get rid of this bozo, or the entire
scheme I've been setting up for 18 years goes up in smoke and
you are wearing his merchandise!!!

[Panic interrupts them by slurping some Herculade from a
Hercules -trademark- plastic cup]

Panic: Thirsty?

[Hades yells, causing a small earthquake]

Megara: Looks like your game's over. Wonderboy is hitting every
curve you throw at him.

Hades: Oh yeah.. I wonder if maybe I haven't been
throwing the right curves at him. Meg, my sweet.

Megara: Don't even go there.

Hades: See, he's gotta have a weakness, because everybody's got a
weakness I mean for what? Pandora, it was the box thing, for the
Trojans, hey, they bet on the wrong horse, okay? We simply need
 to find out Wonder boy's.

Megara: I've done my part. Get your little imps—

Hades: They couldn't handle him as a baby. I need someone
who can... handle him as a man.

Megara: Hey, I've sworn off manhandling.

Hades: Well, you know, that's good because that's what got you
into the jam in the first place, isn't it? You sold your soul to me
to save your boyfriend's life. And how does this creep thank you?
By running off with some babe. He hurt you real bad, didn't he,
Meg? Huh?

Megara: Look, I learned my lesson, okay?

Hades: Which is exactly why I got a feelin' you're gonna leap at my new
offer. You give me the key to bringing down wonder breath, and I give
you the thing that you crave most in the entire cosmos
(he whispers at her ear)
your freedom.

{Temple of Zeus}

Hercules: You should have been there, father! I mangled the minotaur,
grappled with the Gorgon, Just like Phil told me, I analyzed the
situation, controlled my strength and kicked! The crowds went wild!
Thank you, thank you.

Zeus: Hah! You're doin' great, son. You're doin' your old man proud

Hercules: I am glad to hear you say that, father. I've been
waiting for this day a long time.

Zeus: Hmm.. What day is that, son?

Hercules: The day I rejoin the gods. Zeus: You've done
wonderfully, you really have, my boy. You're just not
there yet. You haven't proved yourself a true hero.

Hercules: But father, I've beaten every single monster
I've come up against. I'm-I'm the most famous person in
all of Greece. I'm-I'm an action figure!

Zeus: I'm afraid being famous is not the same as being a true hero.

Hercules: What more can I do?

Zeus: It's something you have to discover for yourself

Hercules: But how can I—

Zeus: Look inside your heart

[Lightning strikes and statue of Zeus becomes inanimate]

Hercules: Father, wait!

{In the city, a carriage passes past rich gates}

Guide: On your left is Hercules' villa. My next stop is the Pecs and Flex
gift shop where you can pick up the Great Hero's 30-minute
workout scroll "Buns of Bronze"

{inside the villa, Hercules is posing for a picture on a vase,
dressed in the skin of the lion Scar from Disney's The Lion King}

Phil: At 1:00 you got a meeting with king Augeas. He's got a
problem with his stables. I'd advise
you not to wear your new sandals.

Hercules: Phil?

Artist: I told you, don't move!

Phil: D.G.R., the Daughters of the Greek Revolution

Hercules: Phil?

Phil: At 3:00 you gotta get a girdle from some amazons

Hercules (dropping club and shield) Phil, what's the point?

Artist screams: That's it!

Phil: Keep your toga on, pal

[Artist throws the paints on Phil, making him look like a clown and leaves]

Phil: What do you mean, "what's the point ?" You wanna go
to Olympus, don't ya?

Hercules: Yeah, but this stuff doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.

[He throws the skin of Scar to Phil]

Phil (wiping the paint off his face with it):
You can't give up now, I'm counting on ya'.

Hercules: I gave this everything I had.

Phil: Listen to me, kid. I seen 'em all. And I am tellin' you - and this
is the honest-to-Zeus truth - you got somethin' I never seen before.

Hercules: Really?

Phil: I can feel it right down to these stubby bow legs of mine.
There is nothin' you can't do, kid.

[Door opens and fan girls scream]

Fan girls: It's him!

Phil: Hey, watch it! Watch it! Watch—

Fan girls: I touched his elbow! I got his sweatband!

Hercules: Phil, help!

Phil: Okay, escape plan beta

Hercules: Gotcha.

[Phil blows whistle, fan girls look at him for a moment and
Hercules disappears]

Fan girls: Hey! Where is he?

Phil: There he goes! On the veranda!

[Girls run away, Phil too, but when door closes, Megara appears
from behind it, she walks and sees Hercules' toes under a curtain]

Megara: Let's see, what could be behind curtain number one?

Hercules: Meg!

Megara: It's all right. The sea of raging hormones has ebbed.

Hercules: Gee, i-i-it's great to see you. I-I-I missed you.

Megara (dropping on a couch): So, this is what heroes do on their days off

Hercules: I am no hero...

Megara: Sure you are. Everybody in Greece thinks
you're the greatest thing since they put the pocket in pita.

Hercules (chuckles):
I know. It's-it's crazy you know, I can't go anywhere without being
mobbed, I mean—

Megara: Ah. You sound like you could use a break. Think your
nanny goat would go berserk if you played hooky this afternoon?

Hercules: Oh gee. I-I don't know, uh, Phil's got the rest of the day
pretty much booked.

Megara: Ah, Phil, Shmil.. Just follow me. Out the window,
round the dumbbells, you lift up the back wall and we're gone.

{evening, outdoors}

Hercules: Wow. What a day. First that restaurant by the bay,

Megara: Mmm..

Hercules: and then that, that play, that, that Oedipus thing. Man!
I thought I had problems.

[Both chuckle and such, two little birds sitting near turn into Pain
and Panic to speak to Meg]

Panic: Psst! Stop foolin' around!

Pain: Yeah. Get the goods, sister.

[Hercules turns back and they turn into birds and tweet innocently]

Hercules: I didn't know that playing hooky could be so much fun.

Megara: Yeah. Neither did I.

Hercules: Thanks, Meg.

Megara: Oh.. Don't that me just yet. Oh!
(She falls into Hercules' arms)

Hercules: Oops, careful.

Megara: Sorry. Weak ankles.

Hercules: Oh yeah? Well, maybe you better sit down for a while.
(He carries her on a bench and they sit down)

Megara: So, uh, do you have any problems with things like.. this?
(She stretched her leg and holds her foot right before Hercules' face)

Hercules: Uh.....

Megara: Weak ankles, I mean.

Hercules: Oh. Uh, no. Not really.

Megara (moving closer to him): No weaknesses whatsoever? No trick knee?

Hercules: Uh—

Megara (moving even more close): Ruptured... disks?

Hercules: No. I'm I'm afraid I'm, uh.. fit as a fiddle.
(He finally stands up from the bench)

Megara: Wonderboy, you are perfect.

Hercules: Thanks.
(He sends a coin jumping on a water in a fountain and it
breaks the arms off the statue of Venus)

Megara: It looks better that way. No, it really does.

Hercules: You know, when I was a kid I, I would
have given anything to be exactly like everybody else.

Megara: You wanted to be petty and dishonest?

Hercules: Everybody's not like that.

Megara: Yes they are.

Hercules: You're not like that

Megara: How do you know what I'm like?

Hercules: All I know is.. You're the most amazing person with...
weak ankles I've ever met.
[Megara steps back and gets pricked on an arrow of a tiny statue
of Cupid]
Meg, when I'm with you I-I don't feel so... alone.

Megara: Sometimes it's better to be alone.

Hercules: What do you mean?

Megara: Nobody can hurt you.

Hercules: Meg? I would never ever hurt you.

Megara: And I don't wanna hurt you, so... let's both do
ourselves a favor and.. stop this... um.. before... we--

[Their lips met for the kiss, but the moment before it
happens bright light flashes into their eyes. It is Phil, on
Pegasus, impersonating police helicopter]

Phil: All right! Break it up! Break it up! Party's over!
I been lookin' all over this town!

Megara: Calm down, mutton man! It was all my fault.

Phil: You're already on my list, sister, so don't make it worse

[Pegasus snorts at Megara, she snorts back, turning the light off]

Phil: And as for you, ya bum, you're gonna go to the stadium and you're
gonna be put through the workout of your life! Now get on the horse.

Hercules: Okay, okay

Megara: I'm sorry

Hercules: Ah, he'll get over it.

[He bends a huge tree casually and picks a flower
off it, gives it to Meg and kisses her in the cheek]

Phil: Move! Move, move, move, move, move! Move!
(on Pegasus): Whoa! Ya-eee! Hey, watch it, watch it!
Whoa!  Watch it! Keep your goo-goo eyes on the-
[A branch finally hits Phil and he falls on the ground]
That's it. Next time, I drive.

[Megara sits alone and smells the flower]

Megara: Oh. what's the matter with me? You'd think a
girl would learn.

*Begin Song:  "I Won't Say I'm in Love" *

If there's a prize for rotten judgment
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history been there, done that!

Muses: Who d'ya think you're kidding?
He's the Earth and Heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden, honey,
We can see right through you

Megara: Oh, No

Muses: Girl, you can't conceal it
We know how you feel and
Who you're thinkin' of

Megara: Oh-no, no chance, no way,
I won't say it, no, no

Muses: You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, uh-oh?

Megara: It's too cliché, I won't say I'm in love

Muses: Shoo-doo, shoo-doo, oo-oo-oo

Megara: I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out...

Muses: Ahhh..

Megara: My head is screaming get a grip, girl
Unless you're dying' to cry your heart, oh

Muses: You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feelin'
Baby we're not buying' hon,
We saw you hit the ceiling'
Face it like a grownup
When you gonna own up that you
Got Got Got it bad

Megara: Oh, no chance, no way,
I won't say it, no, no

Muses: Give up, but give in,
Check the grin, you're in love

Megara: This scene won't play,
I won't say I'm in love

Muses: You're doing flips, read our lips
You're in love shoo-doo, shoo-doo

Megara: You're way off base,
I won't say it

(Muses: She won't say in love)

Get off my case,
I won't say it

Muses: Girl, don't be proud,
it's okay, you're in love

Megara: Oh.. At least at loud
I won't say I'm in love...

Muses: Shoo-doo, shoo-doo, shoo-doo, shoo-doo
Sha-la-la-la-la-la-la Ahhh.

*End Song*

[Hades appears]

Hades: Hey, what's the buzz, huh, Meg? What is the weak link
in the Wonder boy's chain?

Megara: Get yourself another girl, I'm through.

Hades: I'm sorry. Do you mind running' that by me again? I must
have had a chunk of brimstone wedged in my ear or something.

Megara: Then read my lips! Forget it!

Hades: Meg, Meg, Meg, my sweet deluded little minion. Aren't we
forgetting one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial little, tiny detail?
[he bursts into flame]
I own you!

[Phil comes in on the ground]

Phil: Oh. I got another horn here..

Hades (to Meg): You work for me!

Phil: That kid's gonna be doin' laps for a month

Hades: If I say, "sing", you say, "hey, name that tune" If
I say, "I want Wonder boy's head on a platter" you say—

Megara: Medium or well done

Phil: Oh! I knew that dame was trouble. This is gonna break the kid's heart.

Megara: I'll work on that.

[Phil runs away]

Hades: I'm sorry.. You hear that sound? That's the
sound of your freedom fluttering out the window forever

Megara: I don't care. I'm not gonna help you hurt him.

Hades: I can't believe you're getting so worked up about some guy.

Megara: This one is different. He's honest, and-and he's sweet--
Hades: Please!

Megara: He would never do anything to hurt me.

Hades: He's a guy!

Megara: Besides, oh, oneness, you can't beat him. He has no
weaknesses, he's gonna—

Hades: I think... he does, Meg. I truly think... he does.

{Stadium, Hercules is doing exercises}

Hercules: Ha-ha! Whoo-hoo!
[Phil walks sad]
Hey, Phil! What happened to you?

Phil: Kid, we gotta talk.

Hercules: Oh, Phil, I just had the greatest day of my life!
I-I can't stop thinking about Meg. She's something else.

Phil: Kid! I'm tryin' to talk to ya! Will you come down here and listen?

Hercules: Aw, how can I come down there when I'm feeling so up?

[He jumps up into clouds.  Meanwhile a Pegasus mare appears
and makes the Pegasus follow her. In a pen, the mare splits in
two parts which turn into Pain and Panic]

Pain: Gotcha!

[back on stadium]

Phil: Ah, very nice! What I'm trying to say is—

Hercules: That if it wasn't for you, I never would
have met her. Oh, I owe ya big time. Little guy, I do.

Phil: Will you just knock it off for a couple of seconds?

Hercules: Rule #38, Come on, Phil, keep them up there, huh? Phil, I
got two words for ya: Duck!

Phil: Listen to me! She's—

Hercules: A dream come true?

Phil: Not exactly

Hercules: More beautiful then Aphrodite?

Phil: Aside from that!

Hercules: The most wonderful—

Phil: She's a fraud!!! She's been playin' ya for a sap!

Hercules: Aw, come on. Stop kiddin' around

Phil: I'm not kiddin' around

.Hercules: I know you're upset about today, but that's no reason to—

Phil: Kid, you're missin' the point

Hercules: The point is - I love her.

Phil: She don't love you

Hercules: You're crazy

Phil: She's nothin' but a two-timin',

Hercules: Stop it!

Phil: no-good, lying', schemin'—

Hercules (hits Phil): Shut up!
[Phil flies off and hits himself a little]
Phil, I-- Oh, I'm, I'm sorry.

Phil:  Okay, okay, that's it. You won't face the truth? Fine.

Hercules: Phil, wait. Where you going?

Phil: I'm hoppin' the first barge out of here. I'm goin' home.

Hercules: Fine! G-- Go! I don't-- I don't need you.

Phil: I thought you were gonna be the all-time champ. Not the all-time chump.

[Phil leaves. Hades comes]

Hades: Geez Louise! What got his goat, huh? Baboom.
Name is Hades, Lord of the Dead. Hi. How ya doin'?

Hercules: Not now, okay?

Hades: Hey, hey, I only need a few seconds and I'm a fast talker, all right?
See, I've got the majordeal in the works. A real estate venture, if you
 will. And Herc, you little devil you, may I call you
Herc? You seem to be constantly getting in the way of it.

Hercules: You've got the wrong guy.

Hades: Hear me out, ya little-- heh-heh. Just-- hear me out, okay? So I
would be eternally grateful if you would just...take a day off from this
hero business of yours. Geez, I mean, monsters, natural disasters. Phew
You wait a day, okay?

Hercules: You're out of your mind.

Hades: Not so fast, because, ya see, I do have a little leverage... You might
wanna know about.

[Hades snaps fingers and Megara appears]

Hercules: Meg!

Megara: Don't listen, Herc--
[she disappears]

Hercules: Let her go!

Hades: Here's the trade-off. You give up your strength for about
24 hours, okay? Say, the next 24 hours and Meg here is free as a
bird and safe from harm. We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we
carry on, we go home happy. What d'ya say? Come on.

Hercules: People are, are gonna get hurt, aren't they?

Hades: Nah! I mean, it's, you know, it's a possibility.
It happens 'cause, you know, it's war, but what can I tell ya?
Anyway, what do you owe these people, huh? Isn't Meg -- little
smoochy face -- isn't she more important than they are?

Hercules: Stop it!

Hades: Isn't she?
Hercules: You gonna swear she'll be safe from any harm

Hades: Fine, okay, I'll give you that one. Meg is safe, otherwise
you get your strength right back, yadda-yadda, fine print,
boilerplate, Baboom. Okay? We're done, what d'ya say we shake
on it? Hey, I really don't have, like, time to bat this around. I'm
kind of on a schedule here, I got plans for August. Okay? I need
an answer, like, now. Going once,
going twice...

Hercules: All right!

Hades: Yes, we're there! Bam!
[They shake hands and Hades takes strength of Hercules]

Hades: You may feel just a little queasy, it's kinda natural. Maybe
you should sit down. Now you know how it feels to be just like
everybody else. isn't it just peachy? Oh! You'll love this. One more
thing. Meg, babe. A deal's a deal. You're off the hook. By the way,
Herc, is she not, like, a fabulous little actress?

Megara: Stop it.

Hercules: What do you mean?

Hades: I mean your little chickie-poo here was working
for me all the time. Duh.

Hercules: You're-- you're lying!

Panic (as boy): Help! (coughs)

Pain (as boy): Jeepers, mister, you're really strong.
(in normal voice) Ha-ha!

Hades: Couldn't have done it without you, sugar, sweetheart, babe

Megara: No! It's not like that! I didn't mean to-- I-I couldn't-- I-- I'm so sorry.

Pain and Panic: Our hero's a zero! Our hero's a zero!

Hades: Well, gotta blaze. There's a while cosmos up there waiting
for me with, hey, my name on it. So much for the preliminaries,
and now on to the main event!

{The stars are aligned and the gate to the Titans opens}

Hades: Brothers! Titans! Look at you in your squalid prison!
Who put you down there?

Titans: Zeus!

Hades: And now that I set you free, what is the first thing you
are going to do?

Titans: Destroy him!

[Hades frees the Titans]

Hades: Good answer

Lythos: Crush Zeus!

Hydros: Freeze him!

Pyros: Melt Zeus!

Stratos: Blow him away!

Titans: Zeus!

Hades: Uh, Guys? Olympus would be that way.

Lythos: Zeus!

Hydros: Freeze him!

Hades: Hold it, bright eye

Cyclops: Huh?

Hades: I have a special job for you, my optic friend

[Olympus. Hermes sees the titans first]

Hermes: Ah. Huh?

Lythos: Destroy Zeus!

Hermes: Oh, we're in trouble! Oh, big trouble! I gotta--
[he zooms to Olympus]
My Lord and Lady, the Titans have escaped. And they're practically at our gates!

Zeus: Sound the alarm! Launch an immediate counterattack! Go! Go!

Hermes: Gone, babe.

[Gods prepare to war]

Apollo: Charge! On to battle!

Zeus (throwing lightning at Lythos in vain): Yee-hah!

Mars (getting sucked in by Stratos): You windbag!

Hades (watching this): Boom, badda-boom, boom, boom! Hah!

[Meanwhile, Titan 5 looks for Hercules, causing destruction in Thebes]

Cyclops: Hercules! Where are you?

Tall woman: What can we do?

Fat man: Where's Hercules?

Old man: Yeah, Hercules'll save us.

Cyclops: Hercules! Come out! Face me!

Megara (to Hercules who starts going):
What are you doing? Without your strength, you'll be killed.

Hercules: There are worse things.

Cyclops: Run!

Megara: Wait! stop!

Strong Man: Hey, look! It's Hercules.

Heavy Woman: Thank the gods, we're saved!

Cyclops: So, you mighty Hercules

[He hits Hercules who flies away and hits a mosaic of himself.  
Meanwhile Megara finds Pegasus tied up in the stables]

Megara: Easy, horse feathers. Whoa! Stop twitching, listen. Ah! Hercules is in trouble.
We gotta find Phil, he's the only one who can talk some sense into him.

[Meanwhile on Olympus, battle between Zeus and the Titans goes on]

Zeus: Get back, blast you!

[Lythos smashes the gates of Olympus open]

Hades: Ooh, Chihuahua.

Lythos: Zeus!

[Phil is going to leave Thebes and is walking to a boat]

Sailor: Come on! Hurry up! We're shovin' off here!

Megara: Phil! Phil, Hercules needs your help!

Phil: What does he need me for when he's got friends like you?

Megara: He won't listen to me

Phil: Good! He's finally learned something.

Megara: Look, I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me,
it's about him. If you don't help him now, Phil, he'll die!


Zeus: I need more thunderbolts!

Hermes: Uh, Hephaestus has been captured, my Lord. Everyone's
been captured, yah!
[Pain and Panic get him]
I've been captured! Hey, hey! Watch the glasses.

[Pyros and Hydros make a mountain of ice and fire with Zeus on top.]

Hades: Zeusy, I'm home!

Zeus: Hades, you're behind this!

Hades: You are correct, sir!

{Thebes:  Cyclops tosses Hercules and plays with him}

Cyclops: Flea!

Phil: Hercules!

Hercules: Phil.

Phil: Come on, kid, come on. Fight back. Come on, you
can take this bum, This guy's a pushover, look at him

Hercules: You were right all along, Phil. Dreams are for rookies.

Phil: No, no, no, no, kid, givin' up is for rookies. I came back 'cause
I'm not quittin' on ya. I'm willing to go the distance, how 'bout you?

[Cyclops grabs Hercules]

Cyclops: Me bite off head!

[Hercules burns the Cyclops' face with a burning stick]

Phil: Whoa, baby!

[while Cyclops is yelling, Hercules ties up his legs and Cyclops falls off
a cliff.  His fall make a quake, from which a pillar starts falling on Hercules]

Megara: Hercules! Look out!

[She pushes him out from the pillar's way and is struck by the pillar]

Hercules: Meg! No!
(Hercules raises the pillar, getting the strength back)
What's happening?

Megara: H-Hades' deal is broken. He promised I wouldn't get hurt.

Hercules: Meg. Why, why did you-- you didn't have to—

Megara: Oh. People always do crazy things... when they're in love.

Hercules: Oh, Meg. Meg, I-- I—

Megara: Are you... always this articulate? You,
you haven't got much time. You can still stop Hades.

Phil: I'll watch over her, kid.

Hercules: You're gonna be all right. I promise. Let's go Pegasus!

{Olympus:  Gods in chains}

Pain: Hup, two, three, four, come on, everybody! I can't hear you!

Hermes: Oh, oh!

Zeus (being frozen from one side and burnt from another):
I swear to you, Hades, when I get out of this--

[He is finally buried under molten rock]

Hades: I'm the one giving orders now, bolt boy. And I think I'm gonna like it here.

Hercules: Don't get too comfortable, Hades!

Areus: Hercules!

Hercules: This ought to even the odds!
(He breaks the chain by which the gods were chained)

Hermes (Hitting Pain and Panic): Yeah, Hercules! Thank you, man!

Hades: Get them!

[Pyros misses Hercules and covers Hades in molten lava]

Hades: Whoa! Hey! No! Get him, not me! Him! Follow the fingers! Him!
[Ice storm from Hydros who was trying to hit Hercules freezes Hades]
The yutz with the horse!
[Hercules opens the stone block and releases Zeus]

Zeus: Thank you, my boy.

[Meanwhile Pegasus chases Pain and Panic]

Pain: Nice horsy! My intentions were pure! I really was attracted to you.

Zeus (to Hephaestus): Throw!
(He catches two bolts of lightning)
Hah! Now watch your old man work!

Lythos: Uh-oh

[Lightning explodes heads of Lythos, other Titans leave]

Hades: Guys, get your titanic rears in gears and kick some Olympian butt!
[Pegasus blows at Hades' head and blue fire which was his head is out]
Whoa, is my hair out?

[Hercules meanwhile catches Stratos and sucks into him Lythos, Hydros,
and Pyros. He launches them into the sky where they all explode]

Zeus (high-fiving Hercules): Hah!

Hercules: Whoo-hoo!

Hades leaves: Thanks a ton, Wonderboy. But at least I've got one
swell consolation prize -- a friend of yours who's dying to see me.

Hercules: Meg!

[Atropos cuts the thread of life and Megara is dead]

Hercules arrives to her: Meg. Meg, no.

Phil: Oh, I'm sorry, kid. There's some things you just can't change.

Hercules: Yes I can.

{in Underworld}

Hades: We were so close! So close. We tripped the finish
line. Why? because our little nut, Meg, has to go all noble.

[Cerberus the three-headed dog breaks the wall, Hercules on top of his middle head]

Hercules: Where's Meg?

Hades: Oh, look who's here. Wonderboy, you are too much.

Hercules grips Hades: Let her go.

Hades: Get a grip! Come here, come here. Let me show you around.
[They walk around the Underworld]
Humph. Well, well. It's a small underworld after all, huh?
[They come to the shore of a river. Hercules sees Meg in it]

Hercules: Meg! Ahhh!

[His hands which he put into water turned old]

Hades: No, no, no. Mustn't touch. You see, Meg's running
with a new crowd these days. And not a very lively one, at that.

Hercules: You like making deals. Take me in Meg's place.

Hades: Oh, well. The son of my hated rival trapped forever in a river of death.

Hercules: Going once!

Hades: Hmm. Is there a downside to this?

Hercules: Going twice!

Hades: Okay, okay, okay, okay. You get her out - she goes, you stay.
[Hercules dives]
Oh, you know what slipped my mind? You'll be dead
before you can get to her. That's not a problem, is it?

[Hercules swims, turning older and older. Atropos goes to cut the
thread of life, but it suddenly shines and the scissors don't cut it.]

Atropos: Oh?

Lachesis: What's the matter with these scissors?

Clotho: The thread won't cut.

[Shining and your again Hercules floats out from the river with soul of Meg]

Hades: This is-- this is impossible! You, you, you can't be alive! You'd have to be a, a—

Pain and Panic: A god?

Hades: Hercules, stop! You can't do this to me. You can't--
[Hercules hits him in the face]
Fine, okay, listen. Hah! Okay, well, I deserved that, Herc, Herc, Herc.
Can we talk? Y-Your dad, he's a fun guy, right? So maybe you could
put in a word with him and he'd kinda blow this whole thing off, you
know? Meg, Meg, talk to him, a little schmooze--[Hercules hits Hades
stronger and he flies away into the river of death. Souls try to drown him]
Ew! Get away from me!
Don't touch me! Get your slimy souls off me! Ooh, ah—

Panic: He's not gonna be happy when he gets outta there.

Pain: You mean, if he gets outta there.

Panic: If. If is good.

Hades: Taxi! I don't feel so good, I feel a little--
(He disappears)

{outside, Hercules brings the soul of Megara and puts it inside her body}

Megara: Wonderboy, what-- why did you—

Hercules: Huh. People always do crazy things... when they are in love.

[they go for a kiss, but suddenly a cloud appears
under their feet, sent by Zeus, and they fly to Olympus]

Phil: Whoa! Hey, hey, hey! Whoa!

[Pegasus picks Phil up and brings along]

{Olympus (restored already). Crowd of gods welcome Hercules}

Areus: Three cheers for the mighty Hercules!

Hermes: Oh, Yeah! Flowers for everybody! Oh!

Hera: Hercules, we're so proud of you.

Hercules: Mother.

Zeus: Hah! Fine work, my boy! You've done it! You're a true hero.

Hera: You were willing to give your life to rescue this young woman.

Zeus: For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but
by the strength of his heart. Now, at last, my son, you can come home.

[Gates open, gods cheer for Hercules. Megara is left behind.]

Megara: Congratulations, Wonderboy. You'll make one heck of a god.

[Hercules turns around and sees her leaving]

Hercules: Father, this is the moment I've always dreamed of. But...
(He comes to Megara and takes her hand)
A life without Meg, even an immortal life, would be... empty.
I-- I wish to stay on Earth with her. I finally know where I belong.

[Zeus nods, they finally kiss and Hercules stops shining]

Hermes: Hit it, ladies!

*Begin Song:  "A Star Is Born" *

Muses sing:
Oh, gonna shout it from the mountaintops
A star is born!
It's the time for pulling out the stops
A star is born!
Honey, hit us with a hallelu
That kid came shining through
Girl, sing the song
Come blow your horn
A star is born!
He's a hero who can please the crowd
A star is born!
Come on, everybody shout out loud
A star is born!
Just remember in the darkest hour,
Within your heart's the power
For makin' you A hero too

[Here the Constellation of Hercules appears]

So don't lose hope When you're forlorn

[Phil sees the Strong Man pointing at it and saying: "That's Phil's boy!"]

Just keep your eyes Upon the skies
Every night,
A star is right in sight,
A star is burning bright,
A star is born
A star is born

{Closing Titles start, song continues}

Like a beacon in the cold dark night
A star is born!
Told ya everything would turn out right
A star is born!

Just when everything was all at sea
The boy made history
The bottom line
Bottom line!
He sure can shine
He can shine!
His rising sign is Capricorn

He knew how to
He had a clue
Telling you
A star is born!

Here's a hero who can please the crowd
A star is born!
Come on, everybody shout out loud
A star is born!

Just remember in your darkest hour
Within your heart's the power
For making you
A hero too
(A hero too)

So don't lose hope
When you're forlorn (No, no!)
Just keep your eyes
Upon the skies
Every night,
A star is right in sight,
A star is burning bright,
A star is born!

The Gospel Truth
Vocals: Lillias White, Cheryl Freeman, LaChanze,
Roz Ryan, and Vaneese Thomas (The Muses)

Part I-
Back when the world
was new
The planet Earth was
down on its luck
And ev'rywhere gigantic
brutes called Titans
ran amok
It was a nasty place
There was a mess
wherever you stepped
Where chaos reigned and
earthquakes and
volcanoes never slept
[All Muses:]
And then along
came Zeus!
He hurled his
[All Muses:]
He zapped!
Locked those suckers
in a vault
[All Muses:]
They're trapped
And on his own stopped
chaos in its tracks
And that's the
gospel truth
The guy was too type A
to just relax!
And that's the world's
first dish
[All Muses:]
Zeus tamed the globe
while still in his youth
Though, honey, it may
seem imposs'ble
That's the gospel truth
On Mt. Olympus life was
neat and
Smooth as sweet
Though, honey, it may
seem imposs'ble
That's the gospel truth!

Part II-

He ran the Underworld
But thought the dead
were dull and Uncouth
He was as mean as he
was ruthless
And that's the gospel
He had a plan to shake
things up
and that's the gospel

Part III-

Young Herc was
mortal now
But since he did not
drink the last drop
He still retained his
godlike strength
So thank his lucky star
But Zeus and Hera wept
Because their son could
never come home
They'd have to watch
their precious baby
Grow up from afar
Though Hades'
horrid plan
Was hatched before Herc
cut his first tooth
The boy grew stronger
ev'ry day and
That's the gospel truth


Zero to Hero
Vocals: Lillias White, Tawatha Agee, Cheryl Freeman,
LaChanze, Roz Ryan, and Vaneese Thomas (The Muses)

Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Person of the week in
ev'ry Greek opinion poll
What a pro
Herc could stop a show
Point him at a monster
and you're talkin' S.R.O.
He was a no one
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero
Here was a kid with his
act down pat
From zero to hero-
 in no time flat
Zero to hero-
just like that
When he smiled
The girls went wild with
oohs and aahs
And they slapped his face
On ev'ry vase
(on ev'ry "vahse")
From appearance fees
and royalties
Our Herc had cash
to burn
Now nouveau riche
an' famous
He could tell you
What's a Grecian urn?
Say amen
There he goes again
Sweet and undefeated
And an awesome 10 for 10
Folks lined up
Just to watch him flex
And this perfect package
packed a pair of
pretty pecs
Hercie, he comes
He sees, he conquers
Honey, the crowds were
Going bonkers
He showed the moxie
brains, and spunk
From zero to hero-
 a major hunk
Zero to hero-
and who'da thunk
Who put the glad
in gladiator?
Whose daring deeds are
great the-a-ter?
Is he bold?
No one braver
Is he sweet?
Our fav'rite flavor
Hercules, Hercules...
Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Riding high
And the nicest guy
Not conceited
He was a nothin'
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero
He hit the heights at
breakneck speed
From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
Now he's a hero
Yes, indeed!


"A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength,
but by the strength of his heart."
Adult Hercules: Tate Donovan
Young Hercules: Josh Keaton
Singing: Roger Bart
Adult Hercules: Andreas Deja
Baby and Young Hercules: Randy Haycock
Name Meaning:
"Hera's Glory"
Composed of the name of the goddess Hera
and the Greek element kleos "glory."
    Hercules is the definition hero. He's charming,  kind-hearted, smart... plus he is strong and HOT. He has the whole hero package. Although, he is also very naive and can be a little over trusting. Not that those qualities are necessarily a bad thing, I personally find them to be endearing, and super cute. However, they can lead to trouble if you put that trust in the wrong person. Luckily for Herc, Meg was the right person. Hercules is definitely not perfect, but that is what makes his struggle so easy to relate to. All he wants in life is to find where he belongs, and isn't that what we all want? He starts out wanting to be a hero for his own personal gain, so he can return to his home on Mount Olympus, but learns that personal gain is not what being a true hero is about. He learns that you don't belong in a belong with the people you love, and that love you. He finds this in Meg...and it makes me melt. He sacrifices himself to save her from the Underworld, and proves himself a true hero in the process. But he gives up the dream he has struggled for his whole life to be with the one he loves. If that's not personal growth, I don't know what is. Hercules is also what you might call a learning tool for all of the other characters. For Meg, he show's her that you can find real love, and there are good men out there who are worth loving. And for Phil, he shows him that you should never give up on your dreams, because there is always a chance that they'll come true. He is just AWESOME!


"He's a Magnificent Horse, with the brain, of a Bird."
Frank Welker
Ellen Woodbury
Name Meaning:
"Born near the Pege"
Derived from word pegaios.
Pege is the source of the
ocean, spring, or well.
    Pegasus is what you would call almost a sidekick to Hercules. He is more than that, though. He is Hercules' best friend. They have known each other since they were both babies, and even though they were separated, that bond is still there. He is always there when Hercules needs him, no matter what the danger is. I find that to be a very admirable trait. Even though he can't talk, you can tell how much he truly cares for his best friend. He is a very playful character, and he is very energetic. He is what every best friend should be. He show's us what being a true friend is all about.


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