I do not own disney or any charaters owned by disney!
Hey hey hey! Dudes how are ya how ya doin'! My name's Hermes and I'll be your guide here!
These are the muses, they love to sing but hate drama. Go figure?
This is Ickarus yeah I think he's nuts too. But hey we can both fly!
Hey Phil how ya doin' still rockin' around?
Ickarus why are you still here dude?
WOAH! Herc what happened to you?Actually do I want ta know?
Uh Oh! We've entered Hades' Territory!! Sorry dude but I'm leavin' enter on in if ya dare!
Leaving so soon? Alright then go through my back door! MWAHAHAHAA! Ok good bye.
Hi people your out of Hades' Territory! So come on I'll be your new guide!
More Comming Soon!
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